Are you looking for TALENTED or CERTIFIED Kubernauts?
Do you need to hire a Kubernetes Administrator, Engineer or Developer Advocate?
Do you need your current employee TRAINED in the field of Cloud-Native Thinking?
Do you have a project but no resources to get your project done right?
Kubernauts are trained Kubernetes experts and Cloud-Native Thinkers who will work on your project.
Our experienced Kubernetes experts assure the best quality results for your projects.
We take your employee and return a certified Cloud-Native expert and a Kubernetes Professional to you.
They work on your project together with our experts and we help them to become a Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA).
If you'd like to become a partner, train your engineers, hire a Kubernaut, become a sponsor or need more information about our program, please get in touch.
Join us at Kubernauts Worldwide Meetup!